Saturday, March 24, 2012

Praying With the President

Each Sunday in the Episcopoal Church we pray for Barack our President along with the leaders of the nations. We beseech thee also to rule the hearts of those who bear the authority of government in this and every land, especially Barack our President, that they may be led to wise decisions and right actions for the welfare and peace of the world.  This prayer took on new meaning this past Sunday when Barack our President was ten feet away from where I was praying! 

Tippy and I were in the nation’s capital visiting our son Case last weekend.  We decided to worship at St. John’s Lafayette Square, the Episcopal Church that is across the street from the White House.  St. John’s is known as the “President’s Church” because every president since 1815 has worshipped there while in office.  Approaching the church, police cars were blocking the streets. Policemen were questioning pedestrians and sending some in other directions.  We conveyed that we were going to St. John’s and an officer directed us toward a muscular young man wearing Ray Bans who was posted at the front doors.  This was the first time I have been frisked going into church services!

St. John's Church, Lafayette Square
The Presidents' Church
We made it to our pew when Case pointed to the right, and there, just across the aisle, was the President, Mrs. Obama and their daughter Sasha heartily singing the procession hymn! Watching him, I saw that he knew our Prayer Book responses and our “Episcopal” hymns. Kneeling for the Prayers of the People along with him, I found myself wondering about the President’s prayers. Was he praying for the economy… for the direction to take in the Middle East that will lead to peace among the nations?...for the welfare of dignity of all persons (as one of our prayers for the President in Rite Two bids)?...for the members of Congress and how they work together?...for his political opponents? to distribute adequate health care and to create jobs?...maybe just for his daughters growing up in this crazy world?   

And I realized that it did my heart good just to know that he was on his knees saying his prayers.  I was glad to see him receiving the bread and wine of Communion, the body and blood of Christ—that he was making an offering of himself, just as we all do, that Christ would be known through his life, through his actions as President.  Praying with the President, not simply for him, is a powerful thing. 

I certainly hope that all of the leaders of our nation and all those who seek political office are saying their prayers.  The political discourse of our nation is as divisive as it has ever been.  This political tension is fueled not so much by differing approaches to solving our nation’s problems as by rancorous language that denigrates the dignity of one’s political opponents.  No matter whether you agree with the President or other political leaders, praying for them, and even with them, takes the discourse to a higher plane.  That is one reason Christ asks us to pray for our enemies, and why we do that every Sunday at Nativity.

E Pluribus Unum, out of many, one, reminds us that it takes all of us working together, sifting through ideas and potential solutions, to get to where we need to be.  It takes compromise and it takes respect as we work towards sustainable ways to promote the dignity and welfare of all persons in this nation and in the world. Can we listen to each other with respect, even disagree with others passionately, but know we are one?   

For us Episcopalians, this is the way it is. At Nativity in Huntsville, we are Republicans and Democrats at prayer together.  We are progressive and conservatives over many issues, yet kneeling together at the altar rail, each one of us receiving God’s presence in Christ, embodies the offering of our lives that Christ would be known in our actions.    It is a powerful thing to pray with each other…to know that we are one in Christ.